I am grateful for the people in my life who continue to encourage me with this project. But honestly, I've started to forget I'm participating. People say, "Are you tired of it yet?" and I have to respond, "Tired of what?" Oh, that's right, the dress. For me, I know this means I have really moved on from any anxiety I had about how I look, dress or the project itself.
I really love the simplicity of rearranging some core pieces; and I love that I didn't need to buy a whole new wardrobe to completely change my perspective on how I dress. I also love that I feel "put together" everyday, and still feel comfortable. I do not have the time, energy or emotional reserves to dress with a dedicated sense of style. But this project has made me feel stylish, maybe not Vogue stylish, but creatively and expressively dressed none the less, with very little effort. In fact, in reflecting on the ease with which I get dressed each day, I'm starting to worry about November 1: I'm going to wake up, and wonder what to wear!
I'm not really into totalitarianism, but I have to say that when I was in China in 1986, I had a secret affection for the Mao suit that everyone, men and women, wore. Cotton, comfortable, simple. When our daughters went to a private school with a uniform, and we saw how much this eased the school clothes problem, how much it took away the anxiety about who could afford "better" clothes and the unhealthy competition among the students, I liked the concept of simpler clothes.